Employee Spotlight Hani Nyabam

Meet Hani Nyabam, a Level IV Senior DCS Programmer based in our Memphis, TN, office. With deep DeltaV expertise and exceptional technical leadership, Hani is highly regarded by both our team and our clients. Best described as hard-working, adaptable, and driven; we’re proud to have Hani on our team! Discover more in our latest Employee Spotlight interview below.

How long have you been with LSI?

13 years

Describe your current role and experience at LSI.

I am a DCS programmer and currently the software lead on a Rockwell Automation PlantPAx project for a chemical company. In my role as a lead, I interface with the client to understand their requirements and then work closely with our engineers to ensure they have what they need to design and deliver the system.

Where did you go to college?

I started at Covenant College and graduated from Union University.

What industries have you been involved in?

Food & Beverage, Pulp & Paper, Chemical, and Material Handling.

Tell us about a project success story that you are proud of.

One of my favorite projects was a DeltaV DCS upgrade project early on in my career. It was a multi-office collaborative type project for a major brewing company. This multi-year upgrade project was part of a supply chain transformation for the client, allowing them to realign their supply chain, maximize and optimize the use of their capacity in the eastern U.S., and help them operate more cost-effectively. Our efforts impacted many parts of the brewery, and there was a lot of corporate attention/visibility from the client. We had a very good working relationship with them, and together, we upgraded their capability to make a product at that brewery that hadn’t been made there previously.

What do you think is unique about LSI?

In my opinion, LSI is like the equivalent of a teaching hospital, but in the engineering world. Help and guidance will always be given to all employees regardless of how long they have worked at the company.

How have you grown professionally since joining LSI?

I started at LSI with limited experience. I wanted to understand and be proficient in many of the control platforms we worked with. Over the years, I’ve been able to be plugged into a wide range of projects using many different control systems. However, when I wanted to specialize and focus more on DeltaV programming and batch control, I was given the opportunity to further my skills in that area.

What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?

Every project at LSI has its differences, which means you will never be bored and there will always be something to challenge you and something you can learn. If that sounds exciting to you, then apply to LSI.

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Vermont/New Hampshire

Do you have any hobbies or random facts about yourself that you could share with us?

I enjoy playing soccer and disc golf. For a summer job while in college, I had an awesome job doing door-to-door sales for Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners.


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