Meet Anthony, one of our Senior Controls Engineers from our Golden, CO, office. Since joining LSI right after graduating from Colorado State University, Anthony has quickly become a key contributor and a trusted expert across multiple projects and platforms. His technical leadership and commitment are vital to our ongoing success, and we’re honored to spotlight Anthony in this month’s interview.
How long have you been with LSI?
Seven years
Describe your current role and experience at LSI.
Currently, I am a Senior Controls Engineer at LSI. In this role, I am involved in designing and implementing control and motor control panels, network architecture, PLCs, HMI graphics, alarming, and historical data.
Where did you go to college?
I graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Electrical Engineering.
What industries have you been involved in?
I have been involved in Material Handling, Brewing, Food and Beverage, and Water and Wastewater.
Tell us about a project success story that you are proud of.
I was the lead engineer on a greenfield food manufacturer in Alabama, and this project consisted of designing the network architecture, designing control and motor control panels, integration of Vendor PLCs, PLC & HMI graphic design, process electrical design, and implementation of a data historian for the Bakeries, Plant Utilities, and Wastewater Plant. This project utilized multiple LSI offices, and together with the team, we were able to successfully execute the work and build a great relationship with the client. This project taught me so much and helped me grow in my career.
What do you think is unique about LSI?
The people and the culture make LSI very unique. There are so many talented people at LSI, and everyone is always willing to teach or help in any way they can. In addition, so many friendships develop at LSI and it’s really cool to see so many people hanging out outside of work.
How have you grown professionally since joining LSI?
When I first started at LSI, I was directly out of school and didn’t have much experience in what we do. Through different projects, great team members, and mentors, I have gained a lot of experience in different industries and expanded my knowledge of both hardware and software. LSI has always allowed me to try new things which has helped me grow in both the technical and business side of Controls Engineering.
What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?
I would say really try and gain as much knowledge as you can on both hardware and software. This will help tremendously in your career as you can gain that full picture of what needs to be done and how to achieve that work. I also recommend getting out of your comfort zone regarding industries, platforms, etc. I’ve found that I learn so much, struggling through something new and challenging.
What is your favorite vacation spot?
My favorite vacation spot is Ireland. My wife and I were out there for two weeks, and we did a lot of hiking, exploring, and sightseeing.
Do you have any hobbies or random facts about yourself that you could share with us?
I played hockey most of my life and continue to play in an adult recreational hockey league once a week.
I am also a member of the “Sod Father’s” golf team, which consists of Joey Attebery, Chris Stephens, and Luke Adams, and as a team, we took 1st place in the first annual Golden Golf Tournament.